Yeah so... wasn't that quite a blog post? I'm afraid I was a little hyper. At least that's my excuse...
Anyway, how's life? Yeah, I know, a blog post a day is a little much, but you must understand. I have no life. This blog and facebook are my only connections to the outside world. This is probably the most entertaining thing I do all day. Well, except sleeping. That's always exciting. I have very vivid dreams. Not nightmares, normally, just dreams that seem to really follow a storyline, as though they were a movie playing in my head. I can never tell when the imagining stops and the dreaming begins, though.
ANYWAY, to the point of this blog post... aaah so, yeah... there might not actually be one. But who reads this blog? Not many people. So you can't tell me that my blogs have to have a point or not, because you're not the boss of me. So there. xP I don't know how that'll show up in this font... I love emoticons. They became popular long before I figured out what they were. Once I was just sitting there playing World of Warcraft and my sister said something to me, "blah blah blah female orc blah blah blah, :P" At this point, I was so frustrated with the increasing frequency of these strange combinations of letters and punctuation that I exploded. "WHAT DOES THAT MEEEEEAN?????" I said. Then she explained it to me, and I have been enchanted ever since. *.* That's my enchanted face, by the way.
I don't play World of Warcraft anymore. I used to really like it, mostly because it was the only computer game I played (if you don't count Barbie and the Horse Princess or whatever). But one day I was in Westfall, and this guy came up to me and offered to run me through the Deadmines. At this time I was nine. Anyway, I didn't know this person so I said "I suppose." And this guy flipped out and was all like "fine you can just go blah blah blah and be a jerk" while I was still trying to figure out how to spell "that would be great thanks." I went off and cried like the nine year old that I was. And I never made it to any instance. That's not why I left of course. I didn't leave immediately after that, either. I just started to realize how much I hated dealing with people over the internet, and how there were so many jerks on there, and how this game seemed more important to my brother, my father, and my sister than spending time with me. That was about when I started hating the game itself.
But now everybody hates it so it's all good. I feel vindicated.
Okay so that may not be the right word.
Why am I still writing? I should go and actually interact with people. Bye bye!
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