Thursday, April 26, 2012


(Deep impressive voice) Greetings, my subjects!

How's life? Mine is going well. I mean, I have plenty of tasty food and nice clothing and a big house and plenty of water. I am well loved by my family and friends. What more could you ask for?

This is what I did today.

I tried to get my dog to hold still for long enough for a photo.

I tried to get my hands to hold still for long enough for a photo.

And I had a picnic. It's not a very impressive picnic, I'm afraid, just a sandwich and two pounds of almonds. And it wasn't outside. And I didn't have one of those fun little baskets with a red gingham cloth over the top.

But, you can't have everything. And really, who would want to have a picnic in this weather? It was actually a little cooler today, still in the upper-eighties and lower-nineties. At least, I think it was. That thingy in my aunt's car might not have been a thermometer.

ANYWAY, I ate pho today for lunch and my picnic was supper and I kind of didn't have breakfast. Actually, maybe I'll make pho my breakfast and the picnic my lunch, and I can still have another meal! Brilliaaance.

But yeah. I drew a person, but I didn't take a picture of it so you can't see it. It wasn't very impressive anyway.

Hmm what else would you find interesting... You know what, forget this, I have a life outside of my blog, I'm gonna go play with my doggy.

Monday, April 23, 2012


SALUTATIONS! Hmm, what to talk about today... Oh, I have more pictures to show you.

Yeaaah swanky, huh? This one didn't turn out as well as some of the others. I think we might try it again in direct sunlight.

Anyway, that's all I've done today. I woke up at something crazy, like 3:50 PM. Which is odd, because normally when I sleep that late, it's because I've woken up several times before and decided to go back to sleep. This time it was the very first time I had woken up. I haven't been sleeping well, despite my sleepy medicine.

"Because you're mine, I walk the line." I know I keep coming back to this, but I really don't know why I keep blogging. My best friend has a blog which she hasn't updated in FOREVAAA. Maybe I should abandon mine. I am greatly enchanted by the color pine green. I like music boxes. Why does one park in a driveway but drive on a parkway? I like whales. I have a sweater with a whale on it, I'll show it to you sometime.

ANYWAYS, I have been having terrible cravings lately for stuff like cream soda and pho and Freebirds and berry blue Jelly Bellies. It's hard to write a blog post while still keeping in mind who might read it. I mean sure, it might be some stranger, or it might be my step-grandmother come to see how I am. Of course, it's also hard to live in a third world country or have cancer or be in jail or put animals to sleep or be hated by everyone you know. Gotta keep things in perspective.

Great now I'm all depressed. I think I'm done here anyway.

Ta ta!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

I Only Like Triangles

Happy Earth Day, everyone! I hope yours was wonderful and that you planted a lot of trees and flowers.

Anyway, I haven't gotten any new music recently. Not even iTunes free downloads, just coz they don't look very interesting.

I've been thinking lately, this blog is really quite a waste of internet space. I could do the exact same things I do here in my journal and it wouldn't be any different. Well, I wouldn't be able to share all my stuff. And some people do want to know what's going on with me, even if they don't care what I ate today and how my poops were and stuff. JUST KIDDING, I would never talk about things like that. You never know who will read this stuff or why. I can see it now... my possible boss goes googling me and finds me talking about poop on my blog. Or the people who keep clicking "Next Blog>>" or the boy I'm about to date is doing a creepy background check. You neva know...

But back on subject (I used to get in so much trouble in school for getting off topic in papers; teachers hate that, and they never understood that that was part of my paper), I haven't been doing much of anything lately. Except sleeping. and that is always fun. I'm about to start the Deathly Hallows. Um, I get the mail an awful lot. Um, I am extremely grateful for the existence of deodorant, considering the terrible heat we are suffering down here. Hmmm what else... I've been reading through my old journals and marveling at how much of a drama queen I was (and still am) and how awkward I was (and still am) and how very dumb I was. (look at that-- I still am!) But I prefer to look at how far I've come. (and try not to think about how far I have to go) But you don't want to hear about that.

I've been wondering if anyone else has this problem. See I have this dreadful disease where I love to read, but then when people ask me what I'm reading, I hate to tell them. Why is this? I think it stems from the habit of getting ticked off when people interrupt me reading to ask me what I am reading, so I just get mad even if they didn't interrupt me. Does that make sense?

I also suffer from a natural inclination to choose the minority option in any situation and to be "different." I believe this qualifies me to be a hipster. But if I do choose what is different, that means I'm letting what other people think influence what I love. THIS IS TERRIBLE; I MUST RESIST. So I'm gonna come out and say it: the Hunger Games are my second favorite book series, followed closely by Harry Potter, and Abarat in first place. I KNOW I'm so mainstream. *Sob*

I kid. I mean, I wasn't kidding about the being a budding hipster or resisting the temptation to choose "different" things or loving Harry Potter and the Hunger Games, just the being sad about being all mainstream. That's the word hipsters use, right? Either way, if I can head this off before I become one of those annoying people that wears old 3-D glasses all the time, I will be successful.

Uh just ignore that.

See you later!

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Hey, I didn't know you could justify blocks on here! Cool.

Anyway, today I got up, mailed my Sketchbook, went to therapy, went to the bookstore, went to CVS, and came home. These are what I got.

THE SEVENTH HARRY POTTER! Mwahahahahahaha, mine, at last! I now own my own copy of all of them. Mine is an evil laugh!

Voices by Ursula K. Le Guin. I own the first book in this series, and I like it, so I thought, since the bookstore is closing down (for realz this time), I might as well take advantage of the store credit and slashed prices. So now it's miiiiine...

I swear I'm going to throw away this dust jacket as soon as I can. It is a terrible illustration for some awesome books, and anyway, I like the newer illustrations better. You know, the shiny ones. But it's all five books, and some short stories, so I'm not going to let something silly like an ugly picture keep me from reading them.

And, last and quite possibly least, my owl lip gloss! As my sister said, it's rather awkward to put what comes out of an owl's butt on your face, and it's really not very good quality, but I just couldn't pass this up. I love owls! Even real owls, though admittedly not as much as cutesy ones.

Well I must go now and feed my dog. I'll probably come back later and make another blog post.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Another Round of Pictures!

Blogs are boring without photos. But they are also boring without text. This is why I am reluctant to try tumblr, because I do not want to only share pictures. Life is words and images! Why should a blog be any different?

I know, I know, I need to lay off the posting. Well, you know what? You're not the boss of me, I can post however often I want. So :P

Ah, but what pictures should I post or what writing should I write? I'm afraid I've been a little camera-happy lately, and just taking photos of every last thing in the world. The wisteria hasn't bloomed yet, even though I saw some in town that was blooming well over a month ago. Why is ours slooow? I have been playing with my paper airplanes a lot. Not today, though. I don't know why, but they're just not flying well. Perhaps there's some sort of gravitational phenomenon that's making everything in the world heavier! I did feel rather fat today...

These are all the paper airplanes I have in service right now.

 This is Vera, my sister's aloe plant. I am enjoying watching her grow into a big, healthy succulent.

This is MY piano. It is MINE. I OWN it. It belongs to ME. It's MINE. My OWN. My PRECIOUS.

Look! A yam tree. Inside. Epic, yes?


And Teen Vogue. What does vogue mean? I am enjoying this magazine. Magazine... Is that where the word zine comes from? Devious!

Anyway, that's what I've been up to today! See you... whenever it is that I next see you!

Ta ta!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Snapshot of My Day

Hey there, you! How's life? My life is good, although... I do find myself making a lot of drafts for blog posts without publishing them. Which is bad, of course-- I end up forgetting if I've mentioned something or not or make references to things I've never said. *Sigh* It was just like this on my vlog.

I really should stop talking about my vlog, it's like talking about your ex with your current romantic counterpart.

Okay, so I found this really cool blog from a magazine, it's called, and it's this woman who does lots of different kinds of art-- photography and collage and street art, heaps of different stuff. And I was looking through her blog and was suddenly overcome by the urge to paint. This is what it looks like so far:

Yeah, so not that great yet. But I'm going to do a lot more flowers of different colors. I wish I had started with some kind of trellis in the background but it's too late for that now.

Here are some random photos of my life right now.

This is the Christmas tree that's been in my room for four months. I kind of need to put it back in storage.

This is my new hippie bag! Well, it's not new, exactly. It was my sister's, but she didn't ever use it, and I loved it, so she gave it to me. Cool, huh?

Above is my older purse. You can't tell from the photo, but it's supposed to be several shades darker than it is. I, ah, didn't know that you shouldn't wash imitation leather in the laundry. Oops.

 Yum! Cinnamon toast for dinner! :9

Last but not least, my Sketchbook, all wrapped up and ready to go to its new home. I will miss you, Sketchbook!

Yep, that's it. That's what I've done today. I'll see you whenever.

Bye bye!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Fun with Photos!

Hi everyone! How are you? Yes, I myself am quite excellent. It's been a good day.

I have nothing interesting to talk about today. Nothing, at least, that I find interesting... -.- I'm beginning to see a pattern here. This is just what I would say on my vlog! Nooooo I don't want this to be like my vlog... If it is, I'll just end up embarrassed and feeling foolish.

Oh well. I shouldn't worry so much. I'll just end up getting wrinkles. And we all know, wrinkles are bad. Hmmm what to talk about today...? My little sister and I have been goofing off recently and dressing up like famous people and then taking photos in imitation of them. Here let me see...

Cool eh? I'm Ellie Goulding! Heehee.

She's Lily Collins! Ta daaa!

Yeah we have heaps of fun. This is really all I've done productive today, and its productivity is debatable. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hehe I Sound Like a Fashion Blogger, but... Style Haul!

One day I hope to own a great and beastly camera. Like one of those scary ones where you have to change the lenses, or that come with tripods. That way, I will be able to take good pictures. Not crappy fuzzy ones like I take now with our family camera.

See, I was taking photos of some of my new and not-so-new clothes, and just grew frustrated with the camera for being so dumb. Anyway, I want to show you these photos. I am so proud of them. My clothes, not the photos. The photos are terrible.

These two are of a shirt I just got today. It's very nice, I like the nautical sort of look to it. Of course, I like anything that is considered "nautical." A while ago, one of my favorite stores had a "Nautical Shop" and I just loved everything in it, even if it really had nothing to do with the ocean or boats or whatever "nautical" really means. But really, I like the navy and white stripes on this, even though normally I avoid clothing with white stripes. After you wash them, the white stripes invariably turn to whatever the other color is and look rather dingy. You can't tell, but the sleeves have little button tabs on them for rolling the sleeves. I don't know if they're just for decoration or if they actually function as buttons. But overall, I think it's a really nice shirt. It is thick enough to wear without a tank top underneath, which is definitely a plus. I can never find shirts that are thick enough material, long enough, and good collared enough that I can wear it just by itself, without a tank top or a camisole. And this one fits the bill! (What does that mean? What bill?) So far, at least. I haven't washed it yet.

This one isn't so great. My grandmother gave me a bunch of her old clothes, and it was among them. It's not meant to be tied like that, so it looks rather odd. It's a "western shirt" I believe. I would just call it a button-down, if I spoke of it, but I suppose that's not very specific.

This too was my grandmother's. The color isn't really in style, it's rather itchy, and it makes me look tubby. Well, that's not so much the dress as me expanding my rib cage so that the belt would stay on. I despise that belt. I bought it at the store and went up to the cash register and the woman there was all like, "You know this is a plus size belt, right?" and I, being the bright spark of brilliance that I am, replied, "Oh, yeah. Uh, that's why I want it." and so was stuck with a belt that I can only wear on my hips at the tightest setting.

So yeah. I received a few other dresses and shirts and stuff, but I don't think I'll post them. These are my favorites.

See ya!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Booooored So I'm Making a Blog Post!

So howzitgoin? Yeah, I'm pretty bored too. But, now that we got a new powercord for the other laptop, I can play on the computer without having to wait for someone else to get off. It's WUNdaful!

What I've been doing mostly is surfing fashion blogs. I didn't know they existed before I started reading Teen Vogue, and then it was all like, "fashion blogger this, fashion blogger that." So I started looking at some of them, and they're really cool! I wish I was cool enough to be a fashion blogger... But I never could, I don't know very much about fashion. I mean, everyone around here says I do, but this is a tiny town where most girls are more concerned with fishin' and huntin'. Well, I suppose that's not really fair. But still, I don't know of anyone who knows what a Peter Pan collar is. (which, incidentally, I don't really like.) Oh they'll follow various trends blindly, but very few people here have real style. And most of the people that do are my friends.

Ah, I'm so lucky to have such cool friends. Haha I remember saying something on my vlog about how I was abandoning all my friends. I didn't realize it at the time, but I didn't have that many friends to start off with, so that didn't work out so great. But I don't think anyone really watched my vlog, so it doesn't matter what I said.

Anyways, QK look it's a ninja!!! That never gets old.

Well I must go now and get the mail and actually get up out of bed and stuff.

Bye bye!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Rambling... Again

"What have you been doing lately, CityForStrangers?" Well, since you asked so very sincerely, I'll tell you. Yesterday we had a whole bunch of family over for Easter, but no egg hunt, because it rained. The food was good, but other than that it was quite boring. But, afterward, my sister and I had a "photo shoot" where we just piled all our clothes together and dressed up and took photographs. I might post pics of it, but I had just planned to post them on facebook.

"How are your bunnies coming?" Eh, not that great to be honest. They look fine, but they lack a certain life that my previous efforts possessed. I was looking at my bunny post on here, and I think the old ones look better. Hmm that reminds me, I'll be right back.

Hooray for drawing!

Friday, April 6, 2012

More Emoticons

Have I mentioned that I love Pandora? The website, not the science-fictional planet of blue people, nor the mythical moron. I love being able to find new music according to a certain criteria. For example, at this very moment I listen to my station, Indie Folk and Welcome Home by Radical Face, which I d^.^b <-- that's a thumbs up by the way. Have I mentioned that I love emoticons? Oh wait, I have mentioned that, never mind.

ANYWAY, listening to Pandora reminds me that I love music. If you're wondering why I forgot that I love music, it's because I had to spend nine days at a mental hospital, COMPLETELY CUT OFF FROM MY BELOVED IPOD!!! And my family, of course, but that's a lot less dramatic. I missed my iPod, but I probably could have swallowed it and choked myself, so it wasn't allowed. Oh well. But now I have it back! But I haven't been listening to it much. But now I remember how much I love music! So I will.

Sometimes I think about what I want this blog to be about. But then I start contemplating how I love music and fashion and art and heaps of stuff I could never leave out if I chose one specific subject. So I'll just keep talking about whatever I want to talk about. So there. xP Hey look it's a mustache! :{o Ooh check this one out:

~~~~~~~^~~~~~\o/~~~~~~ Shark attack! Or:

(>^.^)># I made you a waffle!

Yes, my emoticons are expressive and not entirely original. But I did tweak them some to my preference. So there. No wait, I have some I forgot:

  ^.  .^_______$
(o  o)_______|
        vv         vv

Piggy! Or:

  (\   /)
(lll)   (lll)

Bunneeeeeeee! And those two are entirely original. I only hope the blog thingy won't push them all over to the side like they did on my phone.

This post wasn't meant to be about emoticons, but who am I to challenge the movements of fate? Ha, isn't that a good excuse to be lazy. "Oh I'm not fated to do the laundry! Who am I to challenge the movements of fate?"

Ah well, goodbye!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Just Checking In

Well hello there dahhling! Goodness me, it has been a long time since my last blog post. Oh well, I'm here now, have you missed me? Of course you haven't. I don't think anyone reads this blog, even my family.

Sooooo how have you been? Yeah I'm not very into this. I just wrote a really long..... I don't know what to call it. See I do this thing where I pull up a Word document and I type about how I'm feeling today. Then I skip a line and reply to myself and give myself advice and just generally say the kind of things I think my therapist would say. I call it "therapying myself," but that's not really a good name. Anyway, I had a good long talk with myself about real therapy today and everything we spoke of and all. It was immensely satisfying. But now all my writing muscles are sore and I'm just not sure I can make a good blog post. Hmm what can I talk about? Hmmmm...

Well, I haven't boughten any.... Is that a word? Boughten? Firefox says it isn't. ANYWAY, I haven't bought any new music lately, not since my most excellent purchase of Sigh No More by Mumford and Sons, January by Cara Salimando, and A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. I gotta say, I hate the Twilight movies, but I love myself some Christina Perri. So I got it anyway. I really want some more iTunes money so I can buy February by Cara Salimando. See she's doing this thing where, every month of 2012, she collaborates with a different person on a two-song EP. In doing this, she is expanding her musical style before her first full album even comes out. I really like it, except that it means I have to buy $15 in iTunes money every month. Because really, what normal person doesn't immediately spend every last $.74 of their iTunes money?

Well, my brother wants the computer, so I'd best skedaddle. Oh wow, that's a word and boughten is not? You are so fickle.

Friday, February 17, 2012


Yeah so... wasn't that quite a blog post? I'm afraid I was a little hyper. At least that's my excuse...

Anyway, how's life? Yeah, I know, a blog post a day is a little much, but you must understand. I have no life. This blog and facebook are my only connections to the outside world. This is probably the most entertaining thing I do all day. Well, except sleeping. That's always exciting. I have very vivid dreams. Not nightmares, normally, just dreams that seem to really follow a storyline, as though they were a movie playing in my head. I can never tell when the imagining stops and the dreaming begins, though.

ANYWAY, to the point of this blog post... aaah so, yeah... there might not actually be one. But who reads this blog? Not many people. So you can't tell me that my blogs have to have a point or not, because you're not the boss of me. So there. xP I don't know how that'll show up in this font... I love emoticons. They became popular long before I figured out what they were. Once I was just sitting there playing World of Warcraft and my sister said something to me, "blah blah blah female orc blah blah blah, :P" At this point, I was so frustrated with the increasing frequency of these strange combinations of letters and punctuation that I exploded. "WHAT DOES THAT MEEEEEAN?????" I said. Then she explained it to me, and I have been enchanted ever since. *.* That's my enchanted face, by the way.

I don't play World of Warcraft anymore. I used to really like it, mostly because it was the only computer game I played (if you don't count Barbie and the Horse Princess or whatever). But one day I was in Westfall, and this guy came up to me and offered to run me through the Deadmines. At this time I was nine. Anyway, I didn't know this person so I said "I suppose." And this guy flipped out and was all like "fine you can just go blah blah blah and be a jerk" while I was still trying to figure out how to spell "that would be great thanks." I went off and cried like the nine year old that I was. And I never made it to any instance. That's not why I left of course. I didn't leave immediately after that, either. I just started to realize how much I hated dealing with people over the internet, and how there were so many jerks on there, and how this game seemed more important to my brother, my father, and my sister than spending time with me. That was about when I started hating the game itself.

But now everybody hates it so it's all good. I feel vindicated.

Okay so that may not be the right word.

Why am I still writing? I should go and actually interact with people. Bye bye!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bunnies bunnies bunnies bunnies...

Just sitting here thinking to myself... about bunnies. I love bunnies. I adore bunnies. I draw them so much that one would think I worship bunnies. I just think they're the very epitome of coolness and cuteness! I would share some photos of my drawings of bunnies but I'm afraid I don't have any right now. So you'll just have to suffer without the pleasure of seeing my drawings of bunnies. Bunnies bunnies bunnies bunnies bunnies bunnies bunnies bunnies bunnies bunnies bunnies bunnies bunnies bunnies bunnies bunnies bunnies bunnies bunnies bunnies bunnies I LOVE BUNNIES. Except I don't have the dexterity to write "bunnies" many more times.

Okay so maybe I'm a little obsessive. I prefer to think of it as processive. (Chrome tells me that's not a word.) In order for my brain to process something, I have to think about it a lot. Like all those other times before... with hamsters and American Eagle and ponchos and Owl City and the Legend of Zelda and art classes and heaps more that I can't remember-- I would think about these things an awful lot in order for them to find a solid position in my life. Like Mumford and Sons just recently, (I'm really having to push myself to listen to something else.) I think about it until I get tired of it and then it becomes something I moderately love or like or think about.

This isn't making sense... Darn. Anyway, I love bunnies and I'm drawing them a lot. Not real live-looking bunnies, but like, cartoony ones. My sad bunnies can make my sister cry. Hold on, I'm gonna come back with pictures...

Eesh that's a bunny overdose. Please ignore the song lyrics that accompany some of them...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Mumford and Sons

Okay, so I don't know about you, but I'm in love with Mumford and Sons. It was like whenever people ask other people, "How did you meet your spouse?" and the other person is embarrassed because it's so unromantic to meet your one true love on a dating site, but that's the truth of it. Well, the truth of it is, I met Mumford and Sons on Pandora. I know, it's so unreliable for meeting nice music. But, well, it was like fate...

I was just sitting there listening to my Marina and the Diamonds station and I was in one of those moods where you just skip all the music you don't know, and-- to think, I almost missed out on such a great band!-- Little Lion Man came on. I had heard the band name before, but never heard any songs, so I thought, "What the heck?" and listened to it. It didn't really stick with me though. But when White Blank Page came on I loved it! I thought it was by someone named Peter Bradley Adams when I looked it up later though, so I was a little lost, but then I actually found it and all of Mumford and Sons' music. This is when the actual falling in love occurred, on a wonderful first date in YouTubeland...

So yeah. That's exactly how it went down. And now I'm completely and totally obsessing and listening to The Cave, Little Lion Man, Winter Winds, and White Blank Page over... and over... and over... and over...x200 and one more time again as I prepare for bed and write a quick blog post about them. I also tried to learn Little Lion Man on piano, but you can't rush these things.

Well I guess I'll see you whenever. Probably tomorrow, I find that I like blogging.

Wow. I just picked up my pen cup and had trouble realizing where my coffee had gone...

Friday, February 10, 2012

Painting Birds

Why did I start a blog in the first place? Whatever possessed me to embarrass myself on the internet once again? I think it has something to do with my pathological need to put forth my opinions on the internet, even though no one really cares. I mean, there were a few people who liked my vlog. And I'm sure there's someone out there who cares what's going on in my life. But I....... Am I making sense? When I'm in therapy I'm constantly having to stop and ask my counselor if I'm making sense. Sometimes I think she just says yes to make me feel better. I'm bored with this line of thought anyway.

Why does my blog want to know my location? That's really creepy. What if I had a stalker, and I posted my location, what then? He or she (you never know) might find me and kill me! EEEEEK!!!

What did I do today, you ask. Well I'll tell you. I slept until three o'clock and then got up and helped my sister get ready for her dance. Turns out she didn't really need my help. After she left, my mom and my grandmother and I went to see The Vow, but it was sold out, so we came home. My mom wanted us to watch a movie, but I was all like "I don't love you enough to spend time with you, go away, I'm gonna paint" and she was all like "okay."

Okay, so that's not exactly how it went down... But I did end up painting. Here, behold...

Okay, so, not that great quality. What I need is a scanner, but I'm not allowed to use ours. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Or not... whatever. Okay now I'm gonna go be a brooding depressed teenager and listen to music. See you!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

"Oh the Bitter Winds are Coming In"

Okay so I'm not really sure how to do this. But if it works, you will see above me the song that I have listened to the most on my iPod recently. It is called "Emmylou" by First Aid Kit. It was one of the free downloads that iTunes features once a week, so I went ahead and downloaded it, because hey, it's free. I looove free stuff. But I ended up being a lot more pleased with it than I expected. In fact so pleased that I named my blog after it. Now I'll be the first to admit that I don't have the most discerning taste in music, so if you don't like it, that's your problem.

I really like iTunes' Single of the Week system. It's really great for those of us poor people who don't get iTunes money very often, or who don't come in contact with much music other than their own iPods. I've found that it exposed me to very different kinds of music, so I'm branching out and leaving the safety of my little haven of indie pop.

PS: I didn't actually watch the video so if there's nudity, it's not my fault.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Turkey Monstaaar!

Okay so last night I had a very long talk with my internal therapist, and I explained to her all my reasons for starting a blog. TOGETHER, mind you, together, we came to the conclusion that it was a really dumb idea and that I really should have given myself the night and day that I normally do to think about it. But whatever, I already said I'd do it, posted it on facebook and everything, so, what the heck? I might as well follow through with this teeny tiny commitment.

Anyway, I don't really know what I'm doing. I once had a family blog a few years ago that I got bored with, and now I don't have anything interesting to say. So I suppose I might as well take advantage of the space and use it to post photos or scans of my drawings and paintings and drawing/paintings. How exciting!

Okay so this isn't a drawing or a painting or a drawing/painting, but I like to think of it as a very eccentric sculpture. We made it a few years ago out of a turkey and various foods around the kitchen. It was highly entertaining.

Friday, January 27, 2012

First Entry!!!

Look, aren't the colors pretty? Okay so I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing. Normally before I make a dumb decision I give myself a day and a night before I do anything but today I was just bored so I thought, "Hey, why not start a blog!" This is different from my previous thought of, "Hey, why not start a vlog!" in that I haven't given this any consideration at all. I was just tired of checking my friend's blog and thinking, "Darn! Why won't she post anything?" (hint hint). So here I am!

I used to have a vlog on YouTube but I got bored with that, just as I'll probably get bored with this. But if it gives me something to do for a few weeks, why not? I know some of you guys actually enjoyed my vlog (like one of you) so maybe you'll like this too, I don't know. I'm thinking I'll just post little updates, maybe rants, maybe some of my drawings and paintings. Just like my video blog, my text blog will grow as it goes. And if you truly love me, you'll forgive the dumb things I say.


So how exactly does this work...? Testing, testing, one two three!